Assessing Gender Lens Investing in Blended Finance
Over the past few years, gender equality has become increasingly incorporated in the investment strategies of impact investors and institutional investors, with its benefits recognized from both a development and business perspective. Convergence has consistently tracked the alignment of blended finance transactions with SDG 5 (Gender Equality), witnessing a number of blended finance initiatives aiming […]
Blended Finance Opportunities To Meet the SDGs
The broader theme in having this virtual seminar series is about igniting thought leadership, collaboration and action around the adoption of innovative financing models that will help Kenya, and by extention East Africa, Build Back Stronger post COVID, while also achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). View Reports for more info
Back to the Frontier: Investing that Puts Impact First
Impact investing has boomed over the past decade, driven by the ethos that financial performance goes hand-in-hand with social and environmental impact. But more wealth holders now see the value of putting impact before investment, and prioritizing people and planet. Impact-first impact investing, also called “catalytic capital,” is well-suited for investors “who want to support […]
How Blended Finance Can Accelerate MSME Growth in Africa
The Africa Report looks into how we can unlock financial capital in the continent to achieve the SDGs especially after the COVID-19 virus. To meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, approximately $7 trillion in private sector capital needs to be unlocked in developing countries. Peter Wamiciwe from Convergence “For African countries to improve […]
The power of blended finance to build back stronger.
Dr. Manu Chandaria“Demonstrable accountability measures by Government especially in response to COVID19 Emergency response is key in giving confidence to private capital and donations.”Dr. Richard Munang – United Nations Environment Programme“There lies opportunities in the youth, the informal sector and mobile money platforms in contributing to financing social investments towards the achievement of the SDGs” […]
DFI Working Group launches report on blended concessional finance for private sector projects
The report measures private investment in development projects in which MDBs and DFIs also make investments or have otherwise provided deal structuring or other support. These investments support global sustainable development goals by promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, tackling poverty and inequality, and mitigating climate change, among other impacts. Click here to read the full report.