The Investing for Impact Toolkit
The Investing for Impact Toolkit – EVPA Download here. The Investing for Impact Toolkit is a guide that aims to assist newcomers and early-stage investors for impact by providing an insight into ‘what works’ in the European impact ecosystem. It outlines strategies and best practices for adopting the venture philanthropy approach. The toolkit also collects EVPA’s research and […]
Primary Healthcare Impact Fund
Investing in Primary Health Care to Strengthen Health Systems across Africa Webinar on innovative financing for developing and scaling primary healthcare projects in Africa.
Resourceful Material to aid individual and organisational development
The global disruption caused by the novel coronavirus has had severe implications for life in general and the social sector is no exception. In a bid to better understand how social change organizations in Africa have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, ACT Foundation surveyed hundreds of organizations across Africa. This report examines the extent […]